To Make Food, Or Buy It?
So NPP hits 6 months old, we have a little issue with solids (I know, I’m a bit behind on that info), we get threatened with having to take him to a feeding specialist (long story). We come home that night, he and I have a “Come to Jesus” chat about needing to eat (I […]
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Read MoreMemories Fade, But Photos Last As Long as the Ink Is Still Good
If you follow me on any form of social media, you’ll know that I went on a bit of a tirade about a week or two ago. I had a bit of a moment of panic while browsing the internet, looking at photos of my child. I started to reflect on the days when I […]
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Read MorePutting the Daddy Diaper Bag Through The Ringer
December always brings with it a trip to some set of Outlets to do a little holiday shopping. It’s a lot of fun, because we spend time with my family, and get to watch the crazies run around trying to get their shopping done in time for December 25th This year we joined the mass […]
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Read MoreCaptain FPP: Why Aren’t They Born with a Mastery of the English Language?!
I’d love to tell you that the face above is the face of our child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but if you believed that, I’d also have a bridge to sell you and let you know that the word “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary. The truth of the matter is, eventually […]
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Read MoreTwo Week Update – Holy Crap
Two weeks down. Two blurred, sleepy, fussy weeks. And I wouldn’t change a thing. So…babies are a lot of work. I’m fully aware that we were told that for the past 9 months, but I’m not entirely sure there is any advice that can be given that can truly prepare you for having a baby. […]
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Read MoreSeriously…why DON’T they tell you these things?!
You know the one thing I never thought I’d say, writing this blog? “I should have listened to my wife.” Throughout the majority of MOMFC’s pregnancy, my inner-cheapskate really become one with itself when it came to buying stuff for this kid. Did we really need another box of diapers? Is he really going to poop […]
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Read MoreTick Tock, Carlos…
Well, if you read nothing else in the rest of this post, read this: 37 Weeks and, no, the baby isn’t here yet. Thankfully, the one big risk (at least from my end) was averted as I finished up shooting my second to last wedding on Sunday, one which I had no coverage for up until […]
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Read MoreCheap, or Efficient? You be the Judge!
Look. I hate grocery shopping. Hate it. It’s boring, I always have to push the cart (something about a pregnant belly getting in the way and blah, blah, blah), I always get yelled at for sneaking oreos into the cart, and I can’t stand the people that are in there with me. Recently, my Father-in-law […]
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Read MoreDCDT Book Review: Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad
Another Week brings another DCDT Book Review because, in all honesty, reading books is about all that is left to do right now. The MoMFC is only 12 weeks away from D-Day, and we’re pretty much in cruise control at this point in time. So without further ado… The latest read through was the book […]
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Read MoreLife, As He Knows It, Is Over
That little guy? He’s been my best buddy for almost 8 years. On his 8th birthday, he has the potential to share his day with the one thing in life that can usurp his throne in our household. With our boy due on October 31st, a mere 8 days after Dirk’s (our dog) birthday, I have […]
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