

Where have I been, and Where am I going?

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t slack off on the blog, lose track of time, and then have a year go by with zero posts.  Thankfully, I realized this morning that it’s only been 11 months, so I’m keeping my promise. So now the big question: Where have I been, and where […]

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Making Baby Food: You Would Think This Would Be Easy

Making baby food.  You would think this would be easy, right? As you’ve no doubt read in previous DCDT posts, I’m a big fan of gadgets.  If there’s a problem that can be tackled with some piece of technology, chances are real good that I’m going to try and convince MOMPC that we should probably buy […]

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Advice Updates

To Make Food, Or Buy It?

So NPP hits 6 months old, we have a little issue with solids (I know, I’m a bit behind on that info), we get threatened with having to take him to a feeding specialist (long story).  We come home that night, he and I have a “Come to Jesus” chat about needing to eat (I […]

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Uncategorized Updates

Six Months of DCDT: The Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift (or revolutionary science) is, according to Thomas Kuhn, in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), a change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science. (Source: Wikipedia, so you know it has to be true). A paradigm shift is, according to DadsChangeDiapersToo, in its author’s current […]

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No Sleep, Yes Prints, and Kind (not) Strangers

Thanks, (Not) Strangers! The realism of being a parent really seems to have set in these past two weeks, and has made me incredibly thankful for the people in our lives who help MOMPC and I take care of NPP.  A week and a half ago, our daycare provider went on maternity leave, which meant […]

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Baby Gear Thoughts Reviews Uncategorized

Gadgets for Parents, Do You Really “Need” Them? – Part 1

Recently, Buzzfeed posted an article “These Are The Items Parents Say You Do And Don’t Need For A Baby“.  I linked to the article, because I think it’s a great look at some of the more “controversial” items parents are faced with buying, and I think it gives them a great look at other parent’s […]

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Advice Updates

Captain FPP: Why Aren’t They Born with a Mastery of the English Language?!

I’d love to tell you that the face above is the face of our child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but if you believed that, I’d also have a bridge to sell you and let you know that the word “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary. The truth of the matter is, eventually […]

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Advice Updates

Two Week Update – Holy Crap

Two weeks down.  Two blurred, sleepy, fussy weeks. And I wouldn’t change a thing. So…babies are a lot of work.  I’m fully aware that we were told that for the past 9 months, but I’m not entirely sure there is any advice that can be given that can truly prepare you for having a baby. […]

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The Worst Case of “The Sunday Blues”…Ever.

Normally, Sunday evening rolls around, and most folks get that all-too-familiar feeling of dread.  I’m sure you’re familiar with that feeling, right?  You know that in a few short hours, you’ll crawl out of the warmth of your comfortable bed, drag yourself into the shower, put on two different socks, spill half of your coffee […]

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Advice Baby Gear Thoughts

Seriously…why DON’T they tell you these things?!

You know the one thing I never thought I’d say, writing this blog? “I should have listened to my wife.” Throughout the majority of MOMFC’s pregnancy, my inner-cheapskate really become one with itself when it came to buying stuff for this kid.  Did we really need another box of diapers?  Is he really going to poop […]

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