Making Baby Food: You Would Think This Would Be Easy
Making baby food. You would think this would be easy, right? As you’ve no doubt read in previous DCDT posts, I’m a big fan of gadgets. If there’s a problem that can be tackled with some piece of technology, chances are real good that I’m going to try and convince MOMPC that we should probably buy […]
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Read MoreTo Make Food, Or Buy It?
So NPP hits 6 months old, we have a little issue with solids (I know, I’m a bit behind on that info), we get threatened with having to take him to a feeding specialist (long story). We come home that night, he and I have a “Come to Jesus” chat about needing to eat (I […]
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Read MoreOde To The Baby Keurig
I would love to tell you that MOMPC and I have a baby that has slept through the night since the day he was born, but I don’t want to lie to you, the reader. The truth of the matter is that I haven’t blogged in a decent amount of time because MOMPC and I […]
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Read MoreNo Sleep, Yes Prints, and Kind (not) Strangers
Thanks, (Not) Strangers! The realism of being a parent really seems to have set in these past two weeks, and has made me incredibly thankful for the people in our lives who help MOMPC and I take care of NPP. A week and a half ago, our daycare provider went on maternity leave, which meant […]
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Read More“But…His Butt Is Already Dirty!” or Society’s Lack of Men’s Room Changing Tables
Ashton Kutcher was recently in the news for something other than his illustrious film and TV career. Having just become a father (and making his baby one of the luckiest milakunis kids on the planet), Ashton learned what most fathers will learn very early on in their careers as fathers. Ashton went to Facebook to […]
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Read MoreGadgets for Parents, Do You Really “Need” Them? – Part 1
Recently, Buzzfeed posted an article “These Are The Items Parents Say You Do And Don’t Need For A Baby“. I linked to the article, because I think it’s a great look at some of the more “controversial” items parents are faced with buying, and I think it gives them a great look at other parent’s […]
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Read MorePutting the Daddy Diaper Bag Through The Ringer
December always brings with it a trip to some set of Outlets to do a little holiday shopping. It’s a lot of fun, because we spend time with my family, and get to watch the crazies run around trying to get their shopping done in time for December 25th This year we joined the mass […]
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Read MoreDCDT Review: Citrus Lane, December Box
As I mentioned in my last post about Citrus Lane, my wife and I decided to sign up for six months of Citrus Lane. In an attempt to further justify our purchase, I figured I would review the contents of each box as they come in every month. Hopefully, I’ll help someone make a choice […]
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Read MoreTwo Week Update – Holy Crap
Two weeks down. Two blurred, sleepy, fussy weeks. And I wouldn’t change a thing. So…babies are a lot of work. I’m fully aware that we were told that for the past 9 months, but I’m not entirely sure there is any advice that can be given that can truly prepare you for having a baby. […]
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Read MoreSeriously…why DON’T they tell you these things?!
You know the one thing I never thought I’d say, writing this blog? “I should have listened to my wife.” Throughout the majority of MOMFC’s pregnancy, my inner-cheapskate really become one with itself when it came to buying stuff for this kid. Did we really need another box of diapers? Is he really going to poop […]
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