Latest House Updates: New Lights and Home Automation Switches
Kicking off the first of the home renovation posts (and trust me, there are a ton coming down the line) is just a short one with a quick one hour update I made earlier this week. We had a couple of these old eyeball lights (seen above) right in front of our fireplace. We had renovated […]
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Read MoreWhere have I been, and Where am I going?
I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t slack off on the blog, lose track of time, and then have a year go by with zero posts. Thankfully, I realized this morning that it’s only been 11 months, so I’m keeping my promise. So now the big question: Where have I been, and where […]
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Read MoreTo Make Food, Or Buy It?
So NPP hits 6 months old, we have a little issue with solids (I know, I’m a bit behind on that info), we get threatened with having to take him to a feeding specialist (long story). We come home that night, he and I have a “Come to Jesus” chat about needing to eat (I […]
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Read MoreSix Months of DCDT: The Paradigm Shift
A paradigm shift (or revolutionary science) is, according to Thomas Kuhn, in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), a change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science. (Source: Wikipedia, so you know it has to be true). A paradigm shift is, according to DadsChangeDiapersToo, in its author’s current […]
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Read MoreWait…it’s almost Christmas already?
Notice anything? Or, rather, maybe you don’t notice anything? Like maybe a severe lack of updates? I knew the holidays were going to be chaotic, they always are, but good lordy are they ten-times crazier with a newborn around the house! I’m honestly not sure how folks kept up with Christmas before was around. […]
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Read MoreCaptain FPP: Why Aren’t They Born with a Mastery of the English Language?!
I’d love to tell you that the face above is the face of our child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but if you believed that, I’d also have a bridge to sell you and let you know that the word “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary. The truth of the matter is, eventually […]
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Read MoreWhat I’m Thankful For, 2014 DCDT Edition
Not a huge post coming tonight, but it’s been a few weeks since I’ve blogged (something I swore I wouldn’t do). Who would have ever thought that having a newborn would mean there was less time to do things like update the few of you that actually read this blog! We’re almost to the one […]
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Read MoreTwo Week Update – Holy Crap
Two weeks down. Two blurred, sleepy, fussy weeks. And I wouldn’t change a thing. So…babies are a lot of work. I’m fully aware that we were told that for the past 9 months, but I’m not entirely sure there is any advice that can be given that can truly prepare you for having a baby. […]
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Read MoreThe Worst Case of “The Sunday Blues”…Ever.
Normally, Sunday evening rolls around, and most folks get that all-too-familiar feeling of dread. I’m sure you’re familiar with that feeling, right? You know that in a few short hours, you’ll crawl out of the warmth of your comfortable bed, drag yourself into the shower, put on two different socks, spill half of your coffee […]
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Read MoreWelcome to the World, Baby Noah!
Yeah…about that scheduled induction… For anyone following along at home, as of October 26th, we were still without our little guy. Facing less than five days until her due date, MOMFC was told that they would be inducing her on a scheduled date, because our little butt-munch just didn’t want to budge. Thursday, October 30th, […]
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