DCDT Review: DadGear Backpack Diaper Bag
In 5 days, or however many (or few) days Baby Egolf takes to join us, MOMFC is planning on carrying around this incredibly manly diaper bag. Sadly, I’m afraid that’s just not going to fly in DCDT Land (let along the fact that I’ll never be able to find an outfit that matches that bag). […]
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Where Are We Going To Put All of This….Stuff?!?
Mere hours ago, that scene up top was my our living room. Boxes and bags filled with God knows what were strewn across our floor, blocking both ingress and egress to any other location in our house. That mess? That mess was the result of our incredibly generous family and friends coming together and helping […]
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Deciding on a Daddy Diaper Bag
It’s a dirty job and, unfortunately, both parents have to do it. I’m talking about changing diapers. They’re full of poop, they’re full of pee, and chances are pretty good that you’re going to have to change a LOT of diapers for a good amount of time. I’m no dummy; I know there’s no chance […]
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