Putting the Daddy Diaper Bag Through The Ringer

SAM_3072December always brings with it a trip to some set of Outlets to do a little holiday shopping.  It’s a lot of fun, because we spend time with my family, and get to watch the crazies run around trying to get their shopping done in time for December 25th

This year we joined the mass of the crazies with a +1, as we decided to take NPP with us for a full-day trip.  Rather than use a Snap N Go style stroller, we loaded NPP up into the Baby Jogger City Mini GT Single Stroller as we thought it might be a bit more comfortable than riding in the car seat for eight hours.

The highlight of the trip, for me at least, was finally getting to test out the DadGear Backpack Diaper Bag that I recently reviewed.  I won’t beat around the bush on this one.  I’ve used MOMPC’s Vera Bradley diaper bag and this thing was WAY more convenient, and easier to navigate.  Strategically planning where everything was in the bag made it so that our trips into the men’s room for changings was akin to getting four tires and a splash of fuel and getting back out on the track.  I never once felt my manhood being judged for carrying around a murse, and the dual straps of the backpack evenly distributed the weight across my shoulders, rather than leaving me titled to one side and lopsided.

I stick by my review of the bag and I’m really glad I decided to go with this one!


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