Dad Diaper Bags

Advice Reviews

Putting the Daddy Diaper Bag Through The Ringer

December always brings with it a trip to some set of Outlets to do a little holiday shopping.  It’s a lot of fun, because we spend time with my family, and get to watch the crazies run around trying to get their shopping done in time for December 25th This year we joined the mass […]

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Baby Gear Thoughts Reviews

DCDT Review: DadGear Backpack Diaper Bag

In 5 days, or however many (or few) days Baby Egolf takes to join us, MOMFC is planning on carrying around this incredibly manly diaper bag.  Sadly, I’m afraid that’s just not going to fly in DCDT Land (let along the fact that I’ll never be able to find an outfit that matches that bag). […]

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