4th of July Update

13275872093_a6e61de9ae_kThree posts in and I’ve already fallen into the stagnation trap.  One of the biggest changes to becoming a Dad is changing my time management.  Whereas I used to spend my time after work catching up on the latest Xbox game, or binging on some Netflix show until MOMFC (Mother of my Future Child) got home so we could eat dinner, now time is better lent to cleaning up our office…sorry, the nursery to get it ready to paint, or running something somewhere, or scratching something off of the seemingly never-ending “honey-do list”.

That being said, I’ve promised to dedicate some of my time to blogging here, and by-golly I’m going to do this come hell or high water!  So, where are we lately?

MOMFC continues to experience bouts of morning sickness.  It’s nice, because it used to be an all-day occurrence, but thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, she only gets sick on rare occasion.  Unfortunately, we appear to have hit the stage where exerting herself as much as she did pre-pregnancy now takes a toll on her body in ways it did not before.  It’s a lesson we’re both learning.  I now carry everything EVERYWHERE.  She takes it a bit easier at the gym.  That sort of stuff.

Moving on, I’ve picked out a bag.  Feedback was all over the place, and I’m really thankful that a bunch of folks gave me their opinion.  I decided upon the DadGear.com Orange Retro Stripe Backpack because, frankly, I’m not the biggest fan of carrying around Vera Bradley.  Anyone that knows MOMFC, probably isn’t surprised that she went with a Vera bag, so I had to equalize it with something a bit more manly.  As it’s socially unacceptable to have naked ladies on a diaper bag (seriously, is it the 1940s?), I went with that bag.  If and when I get it, I’ll make sure to review it.

It’s tough, right now, thinking up crap to write about, because we’re at the stage in the pregnancy where…nothing is really happening.  We’re finished with ultrasounds for a bit, and the only participation I have in the doctors visits is sitting in the waiting room while MOMFC gets the once-over.  We’ll be painting soon, so I’ll have updates on the nursery, and we’re starting into baby shower months, so I’ll have lots of fun crap to put together!

Slow period or not, though, I do have to say that we’re now at a stage in MOMFC’s pregnancy where she’s really starting to show and, even though I know she hates it, it’s a great reminder of the sacrifices that she’s making and it really makes me happy to walk into a room and see her and FBE (Future Baby E).  I’m pumped for this baby and all of the adventures that he’s going to bring to our family.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July.  This time next year I’ll be introducing our boy to Fireworks, Hot Dogs, Daddy drinking beer, and the greatest country in the world.  Well, he’ll already be in the greatest country in the world, but you get what I’m saying.  For now, go out and celebrate (safely) and stay tuned for the next update!



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3 thoughts on “4th of July Update

  1. Definitely bookmarked that DadGear site for the future. I’m thinking the Diaper Vest would be the best option haha! Keep us posted on the nursery, sounds like you had to vacate the office space, it’d be neat to see the transformation. Have a great fourth! As it’s our first time living in the MD/DC area, heading to the National Mall for fireworks, may regret this tomorrow.

  2. I love how you say “we’ll be painting.” I think painting drove Jen nuts cause she sat downstairs while my mom, dad, and me painted (stupid fumes), and I would end up taking pictures and running them downstairs in stages. Painting turned out to be a heck of a workout for me!!! There’s no better feeling though than when that is done and the furniture is in place and you realize “my baby will be living here soon!”

    And I like the bag! Good call not sharing the Vera bag–gotta show Baby E how a many carries his business (literally in this case)!

    Glad Elise is feeling better most of the time. Hope to see you guys soon but will at least keep up with your posts here!

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