That image should strike fear into the hearts of any man who has ever been on the precipice of losing a room in his house to the future that is “The Nursery”. For those of you who have yet to be indoctrinated into the “soon-to-be father” club, that image is the picture of, at the very least, one wall in your nursery.
Those splotches? Those represent a seemingly infinite amount of permutations of the color blue. In some of your cases, you’re going to see a similar situation, but in pink. Or yellow. Or Green.
Regardless, it’s going to expose you to a concept that you may not have been familiar with; that the paint industry has an absolute death-grip on nesting mothers, and that the fathers are completely powerless to stop it. Brace yourselves, Dads. You’re going to see more shades of a single color than you ever thought possible, and no matter what you think is the right color for the room, there will be some refraction through some window in some place of your house (or maybe someone else’s house) that will make that shade not be the correct shade. Thankfully, my wonderful wife only went through two rounds.
Well….she’s only gone through two rounds so far. We don’t have the paint completely up on the wall yet…
So the room is all set up to paint, the office furniture has been removed and relocated, we’ve got about 4 piles of…crap (?) next to the desk, ready to be sorted when we get about 10 minutes of free time, and, with help from my ever-so-helpful parents, we paint the room and move in the furniture, all in one fell swoop.
It makes it all-the-more real to realize that there will be our baby’s furniture in that room in 24 hours. Life is moving on and it’s a pretty exciting trip so far.
As for more updates?
Not a whole lot to report. For those of you that don’t know, I also have a part time business that I run. If you’re bored, you can check that out here. I’m a photographer on the side (hence the fancy-shmancy photos that accompany these posts). That work has been keeping us pretty busy. And…that whole having a baby thing.
I’m going to be writing up my first DCDT Product Review in the next couple of days. This one should be a lot of help to those fathers who also enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage, so keep an eye out for that!
As always, if you’ve enjoyed this post, or any of the previous posts, please feel free to drop me a comment, or even share it with your friends! I appreciate you stopping by and giving my work a read! And as a reward for staying this long? Enjoy this “Covered In Spackle Dust” Selfie!
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It was A LOT of work to get that room empty! And still more to come. 🙁