So…about that last post…

14714220027_8ab6ee4193_kWednesday’s are one of my favorite days in the Fall for one reason, and one reason only.

CBS’s Survivor.

So it only seems appropriate, then, that shortly after last night’s post, MOMFC and I settled down to the second episode of the latest season.  Except last night wasn’t like any normal Wednesday night watching Survivor.  Last night, about 30 minutes before everyone’s favorite host, Jeff Probst, announced that it was time for the two tribes to compete, Elise looks over at me and says, “So….umm….I think I’m having Braxton Hicks Contractions.”

Blindsided worse than Erik from Survivor: Micronesia.

Throughout the next hour, Elise kept vigilant watch over the contractions, and they just didn’t seem to be subsiding.  Coming between four and six minutes apart, there was (understandably) some cause for concern.  During one of the first half commercial breaks, she called the on-call doctor at the hospital, who walked her through a few things to try, one of which was drinking a ton of water.

9pm rolls around, Jeff says goodbye to the latest tribe member to be voted off, and Elise goes to town on a half gallon of water.  Suzy Pees-A-Lot makes a few trips to the restroom, and I’m left wondering what’s going on.

10pm…time to go to bed.  Right?  Unfortunately, the on-call doc told us that, if there were no reductions in contractions by 10pm, we should probably come into the hospital.  I’ll spare everyone the details, but the long and short of the visit was that the baby wasn’t coming…yet.  Elise’s doctor is convinced that, while this might be a true warning, it’s probably her body setting a new “this is how pregnancy is going to be” baseline.

So, what now?  More waiting.  Could be 24 hours.  Could be 24 days.  She could continue to have these contractions (spoiler: she is), or they could go away.  Hopefully, the next time something like this comes along, I don’t have to get up and go to work 4 hours after getting home and going back to bed.  We know you’re knocking at the door, baby boy Egolf…just do it during the afternoon!

So, no baby…yet.  Once again, Baby Egolf Immunity…back up for grabs.


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