A Truly Remarkable Time To Raise a Child


The image for this post doesn’t really have a lot to do with the post, but I guess I can stretch it.  Last night, MOMFC went through a momentary relapse into nesting and allowed me to put together nearly anything that arrived at our house in a box big enough for our dog to use as a house.  As I sat there, putting together our Baby Jogger City Mini Single StrollerFisher-Price Snugapuppy Cradle ‘N Swing, and our Fisher-Price Deluxe Bouncer, I realized a lesson that every father will inevitably learn in his lifetime:

You can never have too many batteries.

Whereas most of the things that we’ve received can run on some sort of wall adapter, the Bouncer actually requires C-cell batteries.  Who has C-Cell batteries besides radioshack and women with “sore muscles”?  Thankfully, we live in the year 2014, and our child is never going to have to know a world where you have to drive to the store if you can afford to wait for something.  I hopped on my Amazon app on my phone, ordered the batteries, and quicker than spit they got here today.  Isn’t the internet amazing?


We’re getting close to the end.  I know I shouldn’t be rushing things, but we’re finished with baby showers, we’ve taken photos, we’ve got the nursery together, and now all that’s left to do is wait.  Every day I go to work, I wonder if that day is going to be the day that I get a call that I have to drive an hour North to get to my wife, currently in labor.  Every week I wonder if the following weekend is going to be consumed with family and (hopefully) friends waiting to see our new bundle of joy!

Still haven’t gotten a Daddy Diaper bag.  I should probably get around to doing that.  At least I’ve picked one out, right?  The DadGear Backpack will be one of the first things I review after the baby gets here, so if you’re planning on having a kid, that one might be a good post to check out!

Waiting also means that the posts aren’t going to have much content.  If there’s something you want to see me write about, make sure you leave a comment on this post and let me know.  I’m always open to writing about anything you might want to read!


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