The Worst Part About Being Sick

SAMSUNG CSCI had originally taken the day off from work on January 2nd.  MOMPC and I took NPP up to her parents’ house for the holidays, so I took the extra day off so we could have some time to put away gifts, get the decorations down, and get back to the way life was AFTER NPP was born, but before the holidays hit.

That being said, today marks the 5th day in a row that both MOMPC and myself have spent the better part of the day ingesting some form of medication, resting in some position on various pieces of furniture, and just generally recovering from no-less-than an estimated 5 different sicknesses that have been running rampant through our house.  We were the dreaded “sick parents with a baby”!  For me, personally, I’ve fallen victim to the flu and some sort of throat/cough something-or-other.  MOMPC has managed to not get the flu, but through this entire thing, we’ve learned that NPP has been getting the antibodies she’s been producing through his 400/day feedings (it’s not that many, but sometimes it seems like that).

I’ve finally recovered enough to go back to work tomorrow, and this is definitely a sign that the holidays are over, and it’s time to get back to life, which means raising a child, and all of the hardships that might come with it.

The craziest thing, for me though, about this battle with viruses and bacterias hasn’t been the pain I’ve endured, or the lack of things that I’ve been able to get done.  The worst part of it all was that we wanted, so very desperately, to keep NPP from getting what I had.  Research told us that the odds of NPP getting what MOMPC had were very slim, because of the passing-on of antibodies.  But I don’t feed NPP, at least not in the same way MOMPC does, and so that means that for the four days prior to today, I had absolutely zero contact with my child.  No holidng, no burping, no feeding, no diaper changes, no nothing.

I’m not going to lie.  That was a really tough four days.  NPP just clicked over 2 months old, and I know I’ve been around him as much as possible, but I swear he forgot who I was in those four days.  I sensed a little bit of stranger danger when I picked him up today.  And don’t even get me started on him changing and growing up.  I swear the baby my wife took up to bed on New Year’s Eve night isn’t the same baby whose incredibly-full-of-poop diaper I changed this morning.

So, I guess, let this be a lesson to fathers out there.  Don’t take any moment with your child for granted, because you never know when you’re going to get sick with the plague and not being able to do anything with them for half of a week.  And wash your hands, even if you didn’t pee on them, first.

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