Wait…it’s almost Christmas already?


Notice anything?

Or, rather, maybe you don’t notice anything?  Like maybe a severe lack of updates?

I knew the holidays were going to be chaotic, they always are, but good lordy are they ten-times crazier with a newborn around the house!  I’m honestly not sure how folks kept up with Christmas before Amazon.com was around.  Even though MOMPC does most of the shopping and wrapping, I still feel like just yesterday was the middle of November, and now we’re about a week away from Christmas.

I do have to admit, though, that even though he’s not going to realize a single lick of what’s going on, “Baby’s First Christmas” is a pretty exciting event.  If you and I are Facebook friends, or you’ve happened to be the recipient of one of our Christmas cards this year, you’ll realize that my wife has gone completely bonkers dressing the little one up in nearly every Christmas costume in existence.  We’ve taken that opportunity to snap a lot of really great photos of the little munchkin, and thankfully he’s been really cooperative.

Going forward, I think I’m going to change things up a bit on the blog, and try and do shorter, more focuses posts, but do them a bit more frequently.  I tend to get wordy (so says MOMPC) and I realize that I probably lose a lot of folks’ attention about midway through the posts.  If anyone has any thoughts on that, I’d love to hear from you!

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