The Fear

17014089176_f34ca23e02_bI’d love to say that, at this point in time, MOMPC and I have everything figured out, NPP is sleeping through the night, we have no issues with naps or feedings, and we’re already signing the little guy up for AP courses!

I’d love to say that, but I’d also love to not be a liar.

I titled this post “The Fear” because I’ve started experiencing this odd phenomenon around 9pm every night.  9pm, not coincidentally, is the time that NPP is settling down to go to bed.  I say not coincidentally, because it’s that settling down that seems to be causing this fear.  It’s bed time that’s causing this annoying, nagging, hair-on-the-back-of-your-neck, uneasy feeling that I just can’t seem to shake.

I didn’t really touch on it much, but when NPP hit the 4 month mark, we hit a bit of a sleep regression.  We went from glorious nights of 9 hours of sleep, to barely making it 2 hours at a clip.  A lot of factors went into this, and we seemed to have made it out completely unscathed.


Since that moment, I just can’t help but shake this feeling that at any moment, NPP is going to wake up, start pitching a fit, and suddenly my already-precious 7 hours of sleep is going to be drastically reduced to a few hours, here and there.  I know that I’ll get over it, eventually, but every sound that comes piping through that monitor sounds like movement.  Every creak of the house sounds like a whimper or a cry.

I’d love to hear how you were able to get past it, if you experienced it with your own child.  Hell, I’ll even take the response of, “Yeah, my child is 5 and still does that”.  Well…maybe don’t go crazy with those types of comments.

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One thought on “The Fear”

  1. Right there with you. We made it through the regression in not much more than a week, but now when our daughter stirs her self-soothing technique includes “thumping”her legs against the mattress. So every time I hear our rowhouse neighbors stomping up and down their steps or bumping around in their room I freak out a little, check the monitor, see she’s not stirring, wonder if the picture is just frozen…fun times.

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