It’s a dirty job and, unfortunately, both parents have to do it. I’m talking about changing diapers. They’re full of poop, they’re full of pee, and chances are pretty good that you’re going to have to change a LOT of diapers for a good amount of time.
I’m no dummy; I know there’s no chance I’ll ever be prepared for diaper duty (or is it doody?) until the time actually comes to start changing them on a regular basis. That being said, one of the things I do know I have to do to prepare myself for the task is to select an appropriate bag in which to carry all of the supplies, in the event that I take our little guy out somewhere, and don’t want to burden his mommy with the added weight of carrying all of that crap (literally, and figuratively).
One of the biggest concerns to a Dad, obviously, is looking good while carrying the baby butt bag, and thus my wife has charged me with the task (or privilege) of selecting my own bag to carry.
There are so many options out there for finding a bag, and so many different people have opinions on which to buy. I can get something like the Okkatots Travel Baby Depot Backpack Bag, which is a standard backpack style bag, or something like the Diaper Dude Messenger Bag which, as the name implies, is a messenger bag.
Right now I’m leaning toward a backpack style bag. Aside from the obvious support and comfort advantages to having a bag’s weight distributed over both shoulders, rather than one, it’s going to be a lot less obvious that I’m carrying around a bag filled with weapons of ass destruction. The issue with that is that a lot of the backpacks don’t look “Dad Cool”. What’s “Dad Cool”? Dad Cool is a term I just made up to define an item that states that one is both a “Dad” and “Cool”. This Pink Gerber Diaper Bag is not Dad Cool. This Batman Diaper Bag, on the other hand, is very Dad Cool. I worry, however, about the functionality of a bag like that.
One current front-runner? This Lillian Rose Diaper Bag. Tell me that’s not awesome!
Ultimately, I’ll probably make this decision as I do most decisions. Read a bunch of reviews, check out a bunch of sites, and then just pick one that looks cool. I’d love to hear what you’ve had work for you, and what you looked for when buying a diaper bag! Feel free to share in the comments below!
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